Kim Aaltonen
Short career description:
My background is with US based IT companies that taught me how to set up, train and manage sales effectively. Strong machinery of prime-IBM and the execution excellence of Novell prior to acquisitions were both first excellent learning opportunities and with international growth responsibilities later lessons in managing businesses.
First company Finceptum Oy grew well with those learnings and expanded to Norway before the shift in IT industry that enforced changes to organizations. Splitting, re-structuring, small scale acquisitions and managing ownerships between founders taught other valuable skills when it comes to board practices and ownership.
Today I sit in the board of directors for these companies and run one of them as the managing director. After first experiencing rapid growth of a new IT sector in a US organization and later steering companies through covid, war and other challenges I believe I have lots to share, both experience and networks to rely on and drive to support new companies for growth!
Company portfolio:
Finceptum Oy, Datalounges Oy, Finceptum Invest Oy, Finceptum Holding Oy
Position of trust:
- Finceptum Oy – board member, owner, founder
- Datalounges Oy – managing director, board member, owner
- Finceptum Invest Oy – board member, owner, founder
- Finceptum Holding Oy – board member, owner, founder
- Center for Open Source Software – steering board, director
- Center for Open Source Software – steering board, member
- Finnish Linux User Group – steering board, member
Super power as a mentor:
I have a great talent for seeing what things could be. Also a bit for how, but that idea generation is where I can be very valuable!

Childhood dream job
I always liked the idea of fixing things! Hence I wanted to work with cars and machines. Take them apart and put them together. I thought that a truck driver got to do that and ALSO drive awesome machines. Best job ever I though!