ShowMoor offers website developers a new way to generate revenue.
They customize a piece of code on the service and embed it on their site. The code allows authors to provide additional content and functionality to ShowMoor members.
Membership requires a monthly subscription. The member’s subscription fee is divided between the authors whose websites he visits.
The strength of the service is the user experience. With a single subscription, a single login, a member will receive all additional content and Extras on all ShowMoor sites. Logging in is extremely rare, just opening the page is usually enough.
Protecting user privacy is one of our core values.
We only collect a minimum amount of information from them, and we do not share information with outsiders.
The service is simple and cost-effective in architecture.
The creators of ShowMoor sites are the key to success. They bring new members to the service, grow it. By serving them and rewarding them as well as possible, everyone – the authors, the members, the company – wins.

About us
ShowMoor is a new kind of online service for websites.
The monthly fee opens up more content and features for you.
At the same time, you support the creators of the sites.Easily, quickly, safely.
Tomi Itkonen started development work in December, 2018.
Heikki Rissanen has given feedback along the way.
ShowMoor Oy will be established after the financing is confirmed, and the service will be launched in selected eurozone countries.