What is StartHub? – a business or a dream?

Starthub is bigger than its premises and the current functions as it is a community for startup-minded and acting individuals and companies. At ours the companies and students meet up and connect with our supporting business partners and mentors.


Being a part of the community is easy since we all live and breath startup. We know how it feels like a firm believe in your own business idea and just as well that when the insecurities set in and you just want to give up. This is exactly where the strength of our community lies in.

Other point of views, small ideas or brainstorming together can chance everything – even the original idea for completely a different one. And so, what if it happens.

In Starthub we don’t know shame or fear and only learn and grow together. Together we create possibilities for successful business.


Starthub was created at the end of 2019. After its first year in function, we already had over 30 businesses of every size and industry in our community.

Represented are AI, wellness, game industry, coaching, robotics, and housing services. Different kind of personalities and skills feel at home at ours and there is no official dress code either! Hoodie or a suit are both as hip!

Are you also dreaming about success and million class business? Good, that’s the way because here in Starthub we aim big. Our community encourages to try new, learn from mistakes and to learn.